The Five-Year Plan ~ 1 Dec 2014

This post is longer than initially planned, but it’s full of good stuff. Print it out if you like and hang with it for a while. At the conclusion of the post, please click on the links to my site and store. The 30-min discounted consultation will be offered only a few weeks more (until the solstice), so order away. If you need a full-on consultation, we can get that scheduled for you as well.

We’re damn near done (mercifully) with the Uranus-Pluto squares. Maybe this next year, the fear-waging by astrologers, cycle seers and other heavens-based prognosticators can subside. Let us hope, petition, propitiate and pray that is the case.

Looking ahead, I see a very significant set of patterns, that in my mind suggests collective consciousness must shift before its appearance, or increasing difficulties will occur for our planet and its people. It appears that now, more than ever, we need a personal and collective five-year plan to proceed in the direction of personal and global improvements.

On the heels of Jupiter in Sagittarius to the Galactic Center (November 2019), which should have injected the collective consciousness with a high-octane blast of insight, the year 2020 kicks off with the following coping-skills testing transits:

Saturn conjunct Pluto in Capricorn.

Saturn in Capricorn square Eris in Aries.

Pluto in Capricorn square Eris in Aries.

Oh, my God! Is it the end of the world?

No, but it clearly marks a critical planetary era. Progressive solutions and concentrated personal and global improvements can save the day. Barring insightful action and an increase in conscious people on the planet the forecast calls for a difficult to reverse backslide for planet Earth. We already know our atmosphere’s decline is in the red zone. We know it is virtually impossible to protect the polar bears because the task of halting polar thaw approaches irreversibility. So, we must buckle down - individually and collectively. Sooner is better, but let’s look at what can be done. Let’s start with the transits farther out, and back toward the influences of next year.

The set up of 2020 involves the planetary power players Saturn, Pluto and Eris. It is thick, intense and undeniably in our faces. There is no more time to do a study, mull things over, sit on a mountain top in perpetual omphaloskepsis (naval contemplation). It’s time to get traction on critical planet-healing methods. It’s time to repair the infrastructure. Not in the months to come. Now! It’s time to shift flawed plans, philosophies and projections. Now! It’s time to oust plutocrats. Now! At this point there can be no increase in global pollution. The planet’s birth rate must be in notable decline. The military-industrial complex must be thwarted and the lust for war and bloodshed (the bloodshed of battle is clearly an Eris thing) must cease. Conflict-based diplomacy must be eradicated. Exclusion by gender, religion, race, culture, sexual preference must be a thing of the past.

Personally, it’s time to heal addictions to status and success. Release social consciousness and replace it with a spiritual consciousness that supports a personal plan for life that yields soulful contentment instead of conformity with society’s norms. Personal contentment typically appears when one lives within ones own social norms and spiritual parameters.

Big agendas, right? Absolutely. Stand by. It gets thicker.

Early in April 2020, Jupiter conjoins Pluto in Capricorn, both square Eris. The Jupiter to Eris patterns of 2020 in April, June (Jupiter retrograde) and November are huge. Jupiter deployed Eris to assist in his convoluted plot to restore the political order of Mycenae according to his vision of what was best for the land. The conspiratorial plot involved Eris aiding Jupiter in reversing the order of the heavens for one day, and one day only, such that the Sun would rise in the west. The leader of Mycenae who lacked Jupiter’s favor, previously vowed to Mercury that he would give up his throne if such an impossible celestial event occurred. Well, Jupiter and Eris made the impossible happen, and political order, per Jupiter, returned.

Eris’ North Node is in Taurus; her perihelion in Libra. Thus, the signs ruled by Venus are a big deal to Eris. She seeks inclusion, and if it does not come, all options are on the table for securing the outcome she desires. So, issues of social standing, caste systems, social biases, prejudice that causes the casting out of certain people... such matters raise her ire. As does monetary exclusion. In theory, she supports economic fairness, the reduction of greed as a model of business. Those who fail to playing nice in the monetary sand box, well, Eris just may kick some sand in the face of bullies. Actually, she’s likely to be a tad more forceful than that.

These are good things... unless you are plutocrat or run a social networking site that turned into a convoluted method of social exclusion or became a safe haven for haters and trolls.

In June 2020, Jupiter retrogrades back to Pluto and once again squares Eris. This suggests more overturning of the entrenched negative forces... negative forces according to Jupiter and Eris. Again, Jupiter and Eris do not protest, create havoc in the streets and throw stones. They outsmart those who fancy their real world sensibilities as superior to collective compassion.

In September 2020, Saturn stations square Eris and Mars, now together in Aries. This pattern involving Eris and Mars in Aries together is particularly potent. In mythic lore, Ares (Aries) traveled with Eris, typically causing mayhem, discord and disruption wherever they went. Of course, adverse social behavior ensured further exclusion down the road. To reenforce the point made above, protests fail to secure a seat at the table where stuff gets sorted out. Those who shout and scream about unfairness, pollution, economic disparity likely will not be able to participate in solutions. So, satisfy Saturn. Create viable, concrete plans with practical outcomes and realistic time frames, with a proper sense of urgency installed. If you’re going to rant on about something, first have a solution in mind. In fact, lead with the solution. When receptivity warms the chill in the air, then the problem being resolved can be discussed.

Early November 2020, one year after Jupiter potentially seeded the collective with advancing solutions, Jupiter again aligns with Pluto, who moves onto square Eris in December. We started with Saturn in the Pluto-Eris mix. We finish with Jupiter. The vehicle of clarity starts with realizing the hardline, real world issues. Plans that make positive progress commence and bear down, under the auspices of Saturn, and then Jupiter kicks in. There is a reason to wave the banner of optimism. Yes, there are still issues. Some things cannot be undone, but at this point, corrective action prevents complete devastation.

To keep us all honest, Pluto squares Eris in August 2021. Sure laws and regulations were passed. Pluto at this point ensures than any modification of progress must continue to propagate progress. Says Pluto, “Woe be unto the undoers.”

That’s a long way out. How do we get there from here? Can a plan be made in say... 2017 or 2018?


Let’s look at the next two years, to invoke a Mars cycle.

Throughout 2015 the new, creatively inspiring Hawaiian planet Haumea opposes the potent and insistent Eris. Haumea carried the ability to create, regenerate and more important provide food. Haumea possessed a makalei stick, which when place in water drew fish to feed the people. So, what’s the collective issue represented? No one should be excluded from food. A campaign to end global hunger must be in place by the completion of Haumea to Eris.

Offering underscoring support is the opposition of Saturn in Scorpio to Sedna in Taurus, recently occurring, and continuing through August of next year (though not exact in orb). Saturn asks questions about the condition and practical reality of matters Sedna. Sedna rules the depths of the oceans and the sea mammals, especially those in the arctic regions.

Between Haumea and Sedna there’s a planetary double dip in oceanic themes. So, let’s start there. We need to slow the progress of climate change, starting now. We need to preserve the oceans. We can start by cleaning them up. We can expand the concept of sustainability when it comes to creatures of the seas. Even personally, using sunscreen that is not toxic to coral reefs is a good deal.

Of course, any activity that happens on land and feeds into the watersheds ultimately renders to the seas.

2015 demands immediate environmental progress. Get onboard and do what you can. In August of 2015 Jupiter in Leo squares Saturn in Scorpio. The combo of Jupiter-Saturn often manifests in legislation. This is a target time for environmental laws that contribute to planetary restoration, the enhancement of the atmosphere, and any other regulation that can impact the physical well-bing of the planet. Jupiter’s in Leo. Go Solar. Saturn is in Scorpio. What about the groundwater extracting wells required for agriculture that are gobbling up global water reserves? Should they be regulated? The Leo-Scorpio, Jupiter-Saturn pattern indicates that loyalty to those funding campaigns likely takes precedence over global reality.

There needs to be some vocalization from those who eat, drink water and breathe air to declare positions to legislators world wide. Will it help? For sure, with Jupiter and Saturn - especially in fixed signs, if you do not address what affects you, nothing will change.

And preceding the Jupiter-Saturn square, Jupiter squares Sedna in Taurus. This reenforces the urgency over-fishing, using the seas as a dump and melting the regions on earth where polar mammals call home.

With a global agenda for next year somewhat defined, what can be done personally?

In my previous post “Looking Ahead ~ 5 Nov 2014,” the Jupiter transits of next year are outlined. A review of this post (which may or may not have reached you because of my offsite e-mail system hiccups) will add to the following notes.

Consider the following to be mantras for the entirety 2015:

Haumea opposing Eris

Do not believe those who tell you have no talent. Hone your skills

Invest in your creativity.

Saturate yourself in events of artistic merit, such as art gallery openings, theater, concerts, dance performances and opera.

For fun, take a writing or speech class so your words, to use a Haumea-lava descriptor, flow.

Saturn opposing Sedna

Number one: Take care of all real world needs. Food, shelter, basic comforts.

Number two: Honor the needs of your spirit.

Remember you are the one making the choices in your life.

Research real world options thoroughly. Make decisive plans based upon clear, conscious criteria.

Jupiter square Saturn

Extend yourself, allowing your instincts to tell you when you’ve reached far enough.

Document a personal five-year plan. (One quarter of the twenty-year Jupiter-Saturn synodic period is five years)

Practice telling the editor/critic within to be silent about all opinions.

Make a discipline of reciting your creed.

Jupiter square Sedna

When setting goals and embarking upon huge life adventures, check your safety gear first.

Create contingency plans.

Honor the oceans.

Take care of your hair (a symbolic rendering to Sedna per her mythology).

One more step and then that’s it. In 2016, Uranus will conjoin Eris in June and September, adding one more transit in March of 2017. The gist:

Find the perfect middle of your personal bell curve.

Be your authentic self.

Offer your experience and wisdom to transgressors with yelling “get off the grass.” This may take some work as neither Uranus nor Eris are known for innate patience.

Finally, enjoy your accomplishments and successes without apology.

More soon.